Home Solutions
We Know There is a Problem
Have you spent hours desperately scouring the Internet looking for a solution to your computer problems? Or taken your computer in for servicing and charged an outrageous amount only to be told that your computer was beyond repair? Perhaps you have even called an IT professional and experienced a long wait for service, canceled appointments, unfinished projects and unsatisfactory results.
Have you avoided professional computer services due to high prices, inefficient service and ineffective technicians? Welcome to @ffinity Computer masters. We feel the same way. Our company is built on the idea that we are your neighbors and we like happy neighbors.
@ffinity Provides Solutions
We provide professional quality Information Technology services, from operating system installs, computer repairs, virus and malware removal, in our customers homes, to full network integration. We can help anyone from home owners with a single computer to medium sized companies with multiple computers, varied operating systems, servers, offsite networking and remote access. We can do it all.
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Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m
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